
Chris Rock vs Will Smith

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Chris Rock ii raspunde lui Will Smith dupa ce a postat clipul in care isi cere scuze pe Youtube(l-ai vazut? saaau...las mai jos link-ul oricum)

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Rock i-a gasit un nou apelativ actorului, “Suge Smith” (referire la co-fondatorul Death Row Records, despre care se vehiculeaza ca a pus sa fie impuscat 2Pac, Suge Knight) si vorbeste despre cum toata lumea acum pozeaza in victima si este foarte greu sa iti dai seama cine este defapt victima.

“"Everybody is trying to be a f---ing victim. If everybody claims to be a victim, then nobody will hear the real victims. Even me getting smacked by 'Suge Smith' ... I went to work the next day, I got kids. ... Anyone who says words hurt has never been punched in the face,"

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Etichete: will smith , chris rock

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